Wednesday, 11 June 2014

loola lay is Born!


Well, loola lay is about 18 months old but it only really feels like I'm getting going now what with joining the 21st Century - signing up to twitter: @loolalaykids, creating a facebook page /loolalaykids, having a business (sort of) and marketing plan (thanks Fi, marketing guru who enjoys using hilarious words like 'mumprenuer'!) and trying to fill my diary with markets.
This has been a long time coming.  I've always wanted to work for myself but I reached a point about three years ago when I was fed up with the thankless job I was in. So I started taking stock.  It was more of a dimmer switch than a light bulb moment that I had i.e. my thoughts had been lurking for a while and then one day the switch was turned to full and that little bulb in my brain was shining away. 
And the name?  That has been in my head for about a decade.  It was inspired by the sweet words of my babbling, almost two-year-old niece. Who knows what Delphine was saying but it sounded important at the time and it super glued itself to my brain!
I know that little A-line dresses are nothing new, neither is the concept of reversible clothing.  The difference comes down to detail and personality through the choice of fabrics, the colours, the combinations, the textures.  Every dress is different because they're all lovingly handmade, locally.  I do it because I enjoy it.  
Long may it last! 
p.s. those stick coat hangers have come in very handy...

1 comment:

  1. What did you use to take the photos? They are lovely!
