Wednesday, 7 March 2012

...And then there was Lahry

I know, I know, its been a while... but it's a new year with restored energy and many an idea to explore!  I'd like to introduce you to Lahry Lobster.  He's a very special creature from the deep baring tales of blood, sweat and tears that were his creation...

Gifts are so much more meaningful when they're handmade, homemade and come straight from the heart.  Lahry Lobster is no exception. 

There was much head scratching, examining, adjusting and sticking out of his tongue in concentration - the one I love had decided to make me a birthday present like no other.  It was agonising to watch at times but, overall, rather amusing to see a grown man pouring over modified pattern pieces.  Spreading himself from one side of the lounge to the other and with pieces of paper being stashed wherever he was sitting at that particular moment, the inevitable happened.  I threw what I thought was a scrap of paper away.  In actual fact, it was an integral piece of the pattern... so the head scratching, examining, adjusting and sticking out of his tongue in concentration happened all over again as the one I love came to terms with his loss and started from scratch.  ... and then, eventually, there was Lahry...

As with any family there's a definite pecking order.  Needless to say, I patiently await my turn with The Lobster...

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